Fashion and the New Order
Laura Wood posts this photograph of Michelle Obama appearing at the latest decadent show biz celebrity event:
Concerning Michelle Obama’s wild outfit (which, as I said to you in an e-mail, seems to be deliberately designed to make it look as though she is exposing her crotch area), you write:Laura replied:
I disagree that it is designed to make her look like she is exposing her crotch. That stupid skirt is a way of getting around the fact that her hips are too wide for jeans.I replied:
It sure looks that way to me.Laura replied:
Yes, it does look like she is exposing her crotch. But, I think the aim was to put her in dress-up jeans.I replied:
Hah. This is like Jim Kalb’s reply in the “Trayvianity” thread to my comment that liberals seek to destroy the good: exposing her crotch was not the intention, but it was the effect.
I personally would not call it an embarrassment. Would one call Madonna an embarrassment? No. Madonna is a cultural radical deliberately seeking to trash and overturn all standards and create a new, nihilist order. Therefore she is not an embarrassment, since she is not of us. She is a conscious enemy of our culture.N. writes:
Michelle Obama does not look much like the wife of a President. She looks more like the consort of an Oriental potentate, or some sort of emperor.Debra C. writes:
I must disagree with Laura Wood for once. If the intent of the flaps was merely to disguise her wide hips, then she—in modest fashion—could have chosen to have the flaps connect across the front, thus concealing what has become her overexposed, and vulgarly-displayed, crotch area. This is not an outfit befitting a First Lady. More and more the President’s wife reveals her contempt for decorum and lack of respect for the office her husband holds. And yes, Larry, she is a role model and exemplar of the New Order, the New Order that revels in sticking it to the “prudes.”Paul K. writes:
The outfit Michelle Obama wore to the Nickelodeon Kid’s Choice Awards was designed by Wes Gordon as part of his 2012 line. Attached is a photograph of the outfit on a slim-hipped model. On her, it looks entirely respectable; on Michelle, not so much.LA replies:
The commenter quoted by Paul thinks that Michelle, in this spectacularly carefully done outfit, was not aware of how it looked on her. I don’t think that’s true. The other exculpatory possibility is that the designer and Michelle did see that the jacket was too tight on Michelle, because of her wider hips, but were unable to have it enlarged. Along with Debra C., I think that’s unlikely.James M. writes:
The pattern on Michelle’s shirt-skirt thing looks to me like an enlarged version of the type of woven pattern you often see in Muslim men’s scarfs, or “shemaghs.” Google image search “shemagh” or check out this photo.LA replies:
There is a definite similarity between the two patterns.Gilda A. writes:
Laura Wood has closed comments on her post, so I’ll comment here.Paul K. writes:
On a daily basis, I see obese black women wearing appallingly skin-tight, revealing outfits in public, and they seem to think they look fabulous. It seems to be “a black thing.” A recent article in the Washington Post stated: “[A]lthough black women are heavier than their white counterparts, they report having appreciably higher levels of self-esteem. Although 41 percent of average-sized or thin white women report having high self-esteem, that figure was 66 percent among black women considered by government standards to be overweight or obese.”LA replies:
I don’t agree with the idea that Michelle does not look attractive here. As someone who has criticized her looks and outfits probably more harshly than anyone, I think that within the trashy context, and looking at all the photos of her at this event taken from different angles, she looks spectacular. She has lost a bit of weight, she has a figure to be proud of, she has never looked better or more confident. She is in her glory. Of course it is a “glory” of trashiness and transgression and self-worship, but, again, within the terms of the adversarial culture she inhabits and represents, those are positive things. I think that people keep making the mistake of criticizing Michelle from the context of some normative or traditional code of what a First Lady should look like: “Oh, she’s not dressed correctly, this isn’t right for a First Lady.” They don’t understand that she is outside of and deliberately attacking that normative code.LA continues:
Another reason Michelle looks good is that her outfit does not expose her arms and freakily muscular shoulders and neck, which at times has given her the aspect of a lumbering Frankenstein’s monster that could give a strong man nightmares.Nicholas S. writes: Upon seeing the photo my first thought was that somebody must be doing a remake of Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome.April 3 Carol Iannone writes:
I’m glad someone sent that picture of the model wearing the outfit as it was originally intended to be worn—gracefully hanging and covering the hips, not open like a curtain showing crotch and belly in tight pants. My first thought on this was that it was meant to hang over the hips and close, not be stretched open.Kidist Paulos Asrat writes:
Actually, I do think she’s exposing her crotch.Jake F. writes: Thanks for the comment that starts, “I don’t agree with the idea that Michelle does not look attractive here.” I agree completely, and we’ll all be better off if people recognize the truth of what you’re saying. Fighting the enemy means understanding them, and understanding them means empathizing with them. It ain’t pretty, but it has to happen. Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 02, 2012 05:23 PM | Send Email entry |