Charles Bolden’s Greatest Quotations
Reader Mike B. sends the page of NASA’s Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity (ODEO), which has some inspiring statements by NASA Administrator Charles Bolden (the Obama appointee’s incisive visage is shown here in a photo from VFR’s not-to-be missed 2010 entry, “NASA’s foremost purpose: to increase Muslim self-esteem”).
![]() Here is one of Bolden’s quotations on the ODEO page:
Journeying beyond Earth’s orbit, as NASA is committed to do, will require a diverse team of many individuals with the best minds, the most comprehensive expertise, the broadest knowledge, the strongest talent, and the greatest integrity. As NASA’s Diversity and Inclusion Champion, I believe it is incumbent on every member of the NASA community to advocate for, promote, and most importantly, practice the principles of diversity and inclusion in everything that we do. This means making diversity and inclusion integral in our efforts to identify and develop the best talent, create and serve on high-performing teams, achieve scientific and engineering excellence, maintain integrity in all that we do, and ultimately, realize mission success.Now that is simply a wonderful pronouncement, perhaps the greatest and most eloquent statement on behalf of excellence and diversity—and, more importantly, the irreducible unity of excellence and diversity—that I have ever seen. How reassuring it is to know that at every step of NASA’s endeavor to reach the stars (or whatever it is that NASA is doing nowadays), diversity will be at the very center of the effort. Why, isn’t that the way Columbus discovered the New World? Isn’t that what made the Wright Brothers’ flight possible? And how could the Manhattan Project have developed the atomic bomb without diversity? Enrico Fermi. J. Robert Oppenheimer. Gen. Leslie Groves. Diversity! In reality, of course, the more diversity becomes the main purpose of an organization, the more hyperbolic become its claims to excellence. Look at Bolden’s boasts of the strongest talent, the most comprehensive intellects, the greatest integrity, etc. Did NASA circa 1960 issue such over-the-top statements about itself? Of course not. It had a big, incredibly challenging job to do and was focused on doing it. But as soon as an organization loses any legitimate purpose, or takes on an illegitimate purpose (such as diversity) that is opposed to its ostensible purpose, it starts to issue this type of overblown rhetoric. Its indulgence in such grandiose claims about itself is a sure sign that it has lost the very excellence, integrity, etc. of which it is now boasting. On another point, it strikes me how perfectly suited blacks are for such bureaucratic positions as Bolden now holds. Bureaucrats are by profession empty suits, self-importantly seeming to be engaged in some useful task while in reality being devoted to maintaining their own positions, privileges, and power. And what racial group—or rather what racial group’s professional class—consists pre-eminently of such empty suits, exceptionally skilled at uttering important-sounding verbiage that lacks all connection to reality?
NASA must, Bolden says,
practice the principles of diversity and inclusion in everything that we do. This means making diversity and inclusion integral in our efforts to identify and develop the best talent, create and serve on high-performing teams, achieve scientific and engineering excellence, maintain integrity in all that we do, and ultimately, realize mission success.Let’s break that down:
“to identify and develop the best talent”
“create and serve on high-performing teams”
“achieve scientific and engineering excellence”
“maintain integrity in all that we do”
“and ultimately, realize mission success.”
Exactly.LA writes:
Here are some other links Mike B. sent:James P. writes:
It always amuses me to replace “diversity and inclusion” with “Marxist-Leninism” in such statements:Gintas writes:
It’s a Cargo Cult, too. Why, if a bunch of crew-cut white engineers wearing those horn-rimmed glasses and short-sleeved dress shirts (hey, they were all Dilberts) could get men to the moon, just think of the things that will happen with diversity. Diversity is magic!Richard W. writes: Here is a poster of the faces of all of the men (sorry, no women) who walked on the moon. ![]() Karl D. writes: I often wonder what bureaucrats like Bolden do all day? If you are a waiter you wait tables all day. If you are a customer service agent at a call center you answer phone calls all day. But what do he and his ilk actually do on a daily basis? You can see this with all sorts of agencies and special interest non-profit organizations. They have lengthy mission statements of what they believe and are aiming for, but when it comes down to brass tacks it often seems as if there is no there there. It is all just talk. What in God’s name do they do all day?Steve F. writes:
All of what you post, and all of the comments, are correct, but you have to give Bolden credit. I mean his bio is incredible, and I don’t think he could have achieved what he did being an affirmative action baby. In fact, his current diversity mantra seems totally contradictory to how he has lived his life—pursuing excellence. And, yes, his current stance is hypocritical. But he’s no mere bureaucrat.LA replies:
Could you fill this out a bit, tell us a little about his achievements?Steve F. replies:
I just went to the Wikipedia site. He was graduated from the USNA, was a Marine Corps aviator, saw combat in Vietnam, was an astronaut, etc. I never heard of the guy before. Sounds like a typical idiot bureaucrat, but then his bio (per Wikipedia) is impressive. That’s all. You have a link to his bio on your entry. It seems he pursued excellence and achieved it; definitely not what he’s promoting at NASA.LA replies:
Let’s say for the sake of discussion that Bolden’s previous career was genuinely impressive. It wouldn’t change anything that’s been said here. As NASA Administrator, he is standing for the things that he is standing for.Ken Hechtman writes:
Meanwhile, the next few men to walk on the moon may well be non-white and NASA will have nothing to do with it.LA replies:
I wonder if it occurs to Mr. Hechtman—and if it did, would he feel good about it?—that a primary reason for America’s increasing and future decline relative to other countries is the inclusionary and egalitarian policies he supports. Other countries are seeking to achieve things, while we’re spending a massive part of our national energy on the lowering of all our standards for the sake of including and “equalizing” blacks; on the massive lies we tell ourselves in order to justify this effort; and on the constant, paralyzing obsession with “discrimination.” When I wrote The Path to National Suicide in 1990, I was speaking of non-Western immigration and only mentioned blacks in passing. But it occurs to me that the madness involved in our crusade to placate blacks and raise them up to equality with ourselves is so extreme, and has messed us up to such a degree, that it could, by itself, even if there were no other diverse groups in America, lead to national suicide.Gintas writes:
You wrote:Gintas writes:
And who is the Deputy Administrator of NASA? Lori Garver.Paul K. writes: I drafted a new mission statment for Charles Bolden.D. Edwards writes: Minor quibble:April 18 A female reader writes: My sister is a professor at a medical school. A number of years ago, they had a full-time Director of Minority Recruitment who had an impressive salary and seemingly unlimited expense account funds to fly around the country, play golf, and stay in fancy hotels, “networking” with other minority faculty and staff members at various colleges, and of course, recruiting minority candidates for the medical school. But the school was private and very expensive, and most minorities with workable GPAs and test scores ultimately were accepted and chose to enroll in a state school with far lower tuition. In a five-year period, the Director of Minority Recruitment did NOT successfully recruit a single candidate. His annual salary, benefits, and expense account could have provided full scholarships to multiple minority students over the years, but NOBODY would ever suggest that the program was a failure or that the money could be re-directed. Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 17, 2012 02:10 PM | Send Email entry |