Which is worse, murder or racism?

Allan Wall at Vdare writes about various murders in Tulsa and asks, “Is it worse to be a murderer or a racist?” The answer, of course, is that in liberal society, it is worse to be a racist. After all, murder is just a crime against an individual. Racism is an affront to the god of our society.

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James P. writes:

You wrote:

Is it worse to be a murderer or a racist? The answer, of course, is that in liberal society, it is worse to be a racist. After all, murder is just a crime against an individual. Racism is an affront to the god of our society.

Murder is an affront to society—after all, “any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind”—but apparently less of an affront to liberal mankind than racism is.

The new liberal version of Donne:

Any man’s death diminishes me, but I am diminished beyond measure when white kills black, because this means the total breakdown of civilization, and not at all when black kills white, because that is a random act, akin to being struck by lighting, whose motive we can never truly establish.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 30, 2012 09:02 AM | Send

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