Another example of the lack of integrity of the conservative media

In the Must Reads today at

WHOOPS: Joe Biden Seems To Endorse Gay
Marriage, And The Obama Campaign Is
Already Spinning Wildly

This week’s exploding cigar. Indian puns to be replaced
by jibes about sequins and senility.

Has Lucianne Goldberg forgotten that George W. Bush’s vice president Dick Cheney, both during the 2000 campaign and during his vice presidency, repeatedly endorsed homosexual “marriage,” a position that departed from that of Bush himself? Did Lucianne—or any mainstream conservatives and Republicans—call that an “exploding cigar” or speak of Cheney’s senility?

Mainstream conservatives and Republicans have no principles. They just want Republicans to be in office instead of Democrats.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 07, 2012 08:25 PM | Send

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