Attorney General of the U.S. advises black pastors how to campaign for Obama

The blogger DoublethinkNot reports:

The United States Attorney General, Eric Holder, will meet with black pastors on Wednesday to instruct them on how to campaign for President Obama’s reelection without breaking any campaign laws. Appearing today on MSNBC, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus said that Attorney General Holder will meet with the race based Congressional Black Caucus and several black pastors to discuss the black voting strategy in the upcoming presidential election. The Attorney General (of all the people) will be there to help ensure that the black pastors follow a proper game plan and break no laws while they work furiously to get their black congregations mobilized for the November election.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 30, 2012 12:22 PM | Send

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