A meditation on guns

Seattle police officials Tuesday told the City Council that the outbreak of violence through Memorial Day weekend and since the beginning of the year has more to do with guns than with gangs.
Seattle Times, May 30.

Randy B. writes:

I suspect that in the absence of guns most of these gangsters would have taken upstanding positions in society as, say, doctors, lawyers, engineers, pilots, CEO’s, dentists, astronauts, and so on. In June of 2001 we removed TV and cable from our home. In the years since then, the only TV I get is in hotels while traveling, but I am amazed at how many black people have risen to positions of authority in spite of the fact some of them came up within proximity of firearms. What I learn from TV is that all white people are dullards, societal dregs, violent underachievers, or at best horrible parents, while blacks and Latinos are the deep thinkers, power brokers, and authority figures with hearts of gold.

Unfortunately my home was overrun by firearms years ago, and the siege has yet to subside. It has been pure chaos year in and year out, as the guns have all but taken over. They get out at night and whisper evil thoughts into my family members’ heads, then they go rob liquor stores and shoot random strangers, all the while professing their innocence when I open the safe in the morning, each acting as if they have been there doing nothing the entire night.

With an IQ bubbling somewhere around 92-94, I am comforted with the knowledge that people don’t kill people, guns kill people. With equally mentally equipped law-enforcement officers out there promoting the facts of gun violence, I feel safer at night.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 30, 2012 05:44 PM | Send

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