Former next-door neighbor of Timothy Jorden says he assaulted his wife and was expelled from the military

This comment appears at Huffington Post. While the information is important, the commenter, csellis, unhelpfully gives no details. For example, he doesn’t even say what Jorden actually did to his wife.

01:11 PM on 06/15/2012

Why has no news sources explored his past??? I was at Fort Lewis and lived in the next house to his when a similar incident occurred that resulted in his expulsion from the military. While he may have trained for part of his residency at Madigan Army Medical Center, he DID NOT finish there. I know that his wife’s (Frances) reports were disregarded, as most believed he suffered a single one-time extreme event. Why do we, as a culture, ignore women when the narcissistic man, especially a popular physician, is harming her? I wonder how many other women were harmed, hunted, threatened, and ignored besides the one I know about and the one he murdered!

If csellis’s vague account is true, then Jorden’s violent streak did not begin with his recent personality change, but has existed all along.

As for the race of Jorden’s ex-wife, last week I saw a news story which showed pictures of her and she is black, but I no longer have the link.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 17, 2012 01:45 PM | Send

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