Black murders 79-year-old white woman in her home
A black man named Moses Trotter invaded a home in Fair Oaks, California. The owner chased him out of the house. Then Trotter entered a neighboring house belonging to Carole Jane Sturgis, 79, where he murdered her. None of the news reports (and there are very few) says how he murdered her, except that her body showed “signs of trauma.” When Trotter was apprehended by the police he was naked and covered in blood.

Carole Sturgis and the beast that killed her
At the end of the TV segment from CBS local in Sacramento, one of the Barbie Doll reporters says: “It is believed that this was a random act of violence.”
Now let’s consider that statement. It is true that Trotter did not know Mrs. Sturgis and was not planning to kill her. He seems to have been on drugs. Maybe he was even crazy. But none of that means that the crime was “random.” After all, the black population is filled with crazy, drug-addled, violent people who pose a danger to everyone around them, as well as non-crazy, non-drug-addled violent people who pose a danger to everyone around them.
If a city unleashed a population of ravening lions, and every couple of days a lion killed another person, would the media say, on the occasion of each new death, that this was an instance of “random” violence? No. They would say that we have a population of ravening lions roaming at liberty in our city, and our lives are all endangered and we have to do something about it.
By the same token, we have a population of ravening Negro savages roaming at liberty in our society and endangering the safety and life of any white person whose path they cross, and we have to do something about it.
At the beginning of “The Coming of Arthur,” Tennyson writes:
And so there grew great tracts of wilderness,
Wherein the beast was ever more and more,
But man was less and less, till Arthur came.
Who will be our Arthur? Or is too late for us, because we ourselves have rejected God and liberated and condoned the beasts among us?
* * *
“Ravening Negro savages.” Strong language. I’m sure it makes some readers uncomfortable. It makes
me uncomfortable. Unfortunately it is a precise and accurate description of the blacks who, in every city in this country, as well as in other countries, bash the face and head of whites they encounter on the street, disfiguring them, sometimes killing them, and then walk away laughing. Consider the two blog entries immediately preceding this one:
Three blacks beat young Irishman in the face with a bottle
On a Bronx street, a black man smashes the head and face of a young Irishwoman
Of course there are many, many more stories like that which I don’t post, because if I posted them all, this site would be nothing but a catalogue of black violence. Cicero at
The Big Lie on Parade does the great service of maintaining such a running catalogue.
* * *
To return to the murder of Carole Sturgis, CBS Local in Sacramento
reports on July 15:
FAIR OAKS (CBS13)—An elderly Fair Oaks woman murdered in her own home Sunday evening has been identified.
The Sacramento County Coroner’s webpage identified her as 79-year-old Carole Jane Sturgis.
The suspect in her death, 32-year-old Moses Trotter, was naked and bloody when he was taken into custody outside Sturgis’ Olympic Way home Sunday evening.
Deputies were first called to the area by a resident reporting a man in his house in the 4900 Block of Durland Way, according to Dep. Jason Ramos.
The resident chased the suspect out of his house, and then the suspect ran into a residence in the 7800 Block of Olympic Way.
When deputies arrived, Trotter, who was naked and covered in blood, ran out of the Olympic Way home and was quickly detained after a brief struggle. Inside the home they found Sturgis dead. Detectives say she showed obvious signs of trauma.
When asked if Trotter was on drugs at the time, Sacramento County Sheriff’s deputy Jason Ramos responded, “He was exhibiting some unusual behavior. Pretty bizarre.” Trotter will be given a drug test.
“Apparently from witness accounts, the guy was kicking in doors around here,” said neighbor Brendan Blom. “He went swimming in our neighbor’s pool back here, broke their glass pane by their front door. Broke in another guy’s house and was in the bathroom, just insane.”
Neighbors say the Carole Sturgis was dealing with some health issues and was well known for taking care of cats in the neighborhood.
Trotter is being held without bail in the Sacramento County Main Jail on a felony murder charge.
- end of initial entry -
Stewart W. writes:
The account of Mrs. Sturgis’s murder reinforces again the need for responsible homeowners to be armed and proficient in the use of deadly force to defend their home and property. One of the witnesses states that the beast that murdered her initially “broke into another guy’s house and was in the bathroom, just insane.”
If I found a strange naked adult man in my bathroom, regardless of color, especially one who looked as menacing as the creature shown, I would immediately retrieve one of my shotguns and begin discharging it in his direction until he no longer posed any threat to me.
Of course I don’t know all of the circumstances, as the story is very sketchy. But I can’t help but wonder, if the homeowner of the first home that the beast broke into had been mindful of his civic duty, wouldn’t Mrs. Sturgis still be alive?
LA replies:
Very good point.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 30, 2012 04:12 PM | Send