How should civilized people behave, when they are co-existing in the same society with dangerous savages?

Here is an existential question. You are a bus driver. A man begins to board your bus whose pants are hanging so low that his underwear is showing. Do you let the man proceed to board the bus, or do you tell him he has to adjust his clothing first?

A bus driver in Fargo, North Dakata did the latter, and got beaten in the head for it.

Maybe the answer to my question is that, just like pizza delivery men in Detroit, bus drivers everywhere in America need to be armed.

In fact, given that dangerous savages are everywhere among us, every law-abiding citizen in America needs to be armed.

Cicero has the story at The Big Lie on Parade.

- end of initial entry -

Karl D. writes:

Pretty incredible yet common story is it not? Once again it falls into the “disrespect” category. Blacks should be able to do or say anything they please. To question their behavior in any way is “disrespectful”.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 18, 2012 09:59 AM | Send

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