Romney’s response to Obama’s Dream Act fiat

JC in Houston writes:

I saw today that Romney has promised to honor and not revoke the illegal work permits given under Obama’s Dream Act Fiat. He stated that the permits are only good for two years and by then he’ll have his own “comprehensive immigration reform” plan in place. I hate to say it, knowing what a catastrophe Obama is, but I’m caring less and less whether Romney wins, which I’m also coming to doubt.

LA replies:

Let us remember that Romney also said he would not try to reverse the homosexualization of the U.S. military. Given his matter-of-fact acceptance of so many liberal outrages, how likely is it that he would seriously seek the repeal of Obamacare?

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Dale F. writes:

I agree with you regarding Romney’s limp response to DADT repeal.< With regards to the two-year visas, imagine what would happen if he attempts to revoke them. I think we can count on a Romney administration’s actually obeying the law. [LA replies: Meaning what?] By the time the various appeals were resolved, the visas would have lapsed anyway. Given the probably small number of soon-to-expire visas involved, and the predictable news stories about the suffering of innocents, I think this is not a fight worth fighting.

Jessica K. writes:

Dale F.’s response perfectly sums up the modern right. Every capitulation is “not a fight worth having.” Rest assured that the left does not share a similar view on politics.

Laura G. writes:

I wonder if Romney has any concept of the problems he is welcoming with his statement that he will refrain from reversing these work permits that Congress specifically voted down and that Obama is nevertheless passing out. If Romney does tolerate the continued implementation of these work permits, it will be yet another instance of rewarding bad behavior and thereby guaranteeing more bad behavior. Actually, it would be rewarding several levels of bad behavior. It both insures that more parents will bring children illegally into the U.S., and it also encourages the “youngsters” (the ages can be up to mid adulthood) to stay, knowing that they can game the system.

Romney had tried out the term “self-deportation” in an earlier speech, leading me to imagine that he might have developed some understanding of the immigration issue. Silly me. These work-permitted youngsters will undoubtedly eventually receive a permanent visa. Romney now also promises comprehensive immigration reform and we all know what that means, just ask McCain. When they receive their permanent visas, they will be able to sponsor for citizenship under family reunification those same parents who brought them here illegally in the first place. The levels of perversity are endless. The fact that Romney has failed to understand and/or failed to account for the dynamic he has just given rise to may be the single most discouraging episode in this entire disheartening campaign. To be specific, this nonsensical pandering demolishes my esteem for him.

Yom Kippur services last week immersed us in deep contemplation of our many sins. Some specified sins are fairly arcane and obscure, but there are some winners too. My two all-time favorites are: “For the sin of zeal for bad causes”, and “for the sin of succumbing to confusion”. It seems to me that both those sins encompass and describe particularly efficiently the nature of the current political catastrophe.

Struggling to avoid depression.

Gintas writes:

Romney the Judas goat:


Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 02, 2012 01:30 PM | Send

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