What nice-boy Ryan should have said; and, Why I write what I write

From yesterday, be sure not to miss “What Ryan should have said about Biden’s Big Smile.”

At this blog, as seen for example in the linked entry, I don’t just complain about what is. I endeavor to show the way things ought to be. I provide alternatives to our current, liberal-dominated thought-patterns and politics.

At the same time, as I have often said, I believe that there is zero possibility that these alternatives will be adopted by any significant part of our society in the foreseeable future. Why then do I offer them? There are two reasons. One, to help give individuals a non-liberal model of thought and politics and thus help free them inwardly from mental slavery to liberalism and the stew of unexamined contradictions in which all mainstream conservatives welter. Though such liberation of a relatively small number of individuals from the mental fog of liberalism can have no immediate practical impact on mainstream U.S. politics, it can be of incalculable value to the individuals who are so liberated, as I know, with a profound sense of gratitude, from my own experience. It is not easy or pleasant to be a person who rejects the dominent beliefs of one’s society; but seeing things clearly, like life itself, is infinitely preferable to the alternative.

Two, to help establish a basis for a future, non-liberal politics that will replace liberalism when the latter ultimately crashes, as it must.

- end of initial entry -

October 16

Julian C. writes:

You wrote:

Though such liberation of a relatively small number of individuals from the mental fog of liberalism can have no immediate practical impact on mainstream U.S. politics, it can be of incalculable value to the individuals who are so liberated, as I know, with a profound sense of gratitude, from my own experience. It is not easy or pleasant to be a person who rejects the dominent beliefs of one’s society; but seeing things clearly, like life itself, is infinitely preferable to the alternative.

How did you come to be liberated? Did your views gradually evolve or was there a sudden turning point?

LA replies:

Maybe “liberated” wasn’t the best word, as it has leftist implications. It’s a gradual process, lit on the way with “epiphanies.” To describe it satisfactorily would require examples. I’ll try to think of some.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 14, 2012 09:04 PM | Send

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