What happens to black males the moment they stop having supervised activities
James P. sent this
article from Yahoo, with the comment, “Several VFR themes here: Pittsburgh, black criminality, football players with kooky first names, and hideous tattoos.” James left out another recent VFR
theme: the need for blacks to be continually supervised lest they commit mindless mayhem.
Steelers rookie arrested on 15 counts of DUI, resisting-arrest charges after car chase, wreck

Alameda Ta’amu
Off weekends can be trouble in the NFL. Without a game to play on Sunday, the Steelers’ Alameda Ta’amu, a rookie defensive lineman, got himself into a whole mess of trouble with Pittsburgh police early Sunday morning. [LA replies: See? Without embarrassment, liberals and blacks openly state that unless blacks are being constantly distracted or controlled by some external agency, they will instantly indulge in crazed violence.]
Ta’amu began the public-relations nightmare by driving a 2006 Lincoln Navigator the wrong way down a street on Pittsburgh’s South Side at about 2:30 a.m. Sunday. From there, it was a cascade of illegality:
- He was observed swerving into other lanes, passing multiple vehicles, running red lights and speeding in a pedestrian-heavy zone.
- He then refused several orders from police to stop the car and get out of the vehicle, apparently even driving his SUV straight at a couple of the officers and forcing them to dive out of the way. The officers drew their guns, but did not fire, according to the criminal complaint, “due to the large number of pedestrians and motorists on the sidewalks and roadway.”
- He slammed into a parked vehicle, injuring the driver, who was still in the vehicle.
- He kept going, finally hitting several other cars so hard that he disabled his own SUV.
- He got out of the car, took off his shirt, and began to run from police.
- He was finally subdued in a parking lot—at 6-foot-3, 348 pounds, he required multiple officers—and handcuffed when he resisted arrest.
- His blood-alcohol content was found to be .196 percent, more than twice Pennsylvania’s legal limit of .08 percent.
- end of initial entry -
Mitchell Young writes:
Alameda Ta’amu is probably Samoan, not black. Though somewhat similar in appearance, they are quite distinct genetically.
A reader writes:
In reference to your recent post I wanted to point out that Ta’amu is Samoan, not black. His tattoos are traditional Samoan designs, and any Polynesians I’ve ever met would strenuously reject any association with blacks.
I am a long time reader, and enjoy your perspective, so I thought you might want to correct the oversight. Using a Samoan to make a point about black misbehavior is slightly skewed.
LA replies:
He sure looks black to me: his color, his features, the shape of his head, even the shape of his ears.
Ben S. writes:
When I looked at the picture of Ta’amu, my first, incongruous thought was, “That guy looks Chinese.” Of course not really, but look at the beard, the eyes, and the facial fat distribution… definitely consistent with some Asian derivation. Samoan sounds about right.
Gintas writes:
He’s “Samoan”:
A massive Samoan, Ta’amu is a short-area, two-down space eater with sheer mass and strength to hold down the fort inside a “30” front. Will have to remain dedicated to conditioning to maximize his potential.
Yeah, and stay out of jail.
He looks half-black, though, in the Pro Football Weekly picture.
Here are a couple of Samoan football players just to calibrate on some Samoan features:
Lofa Tatupu, who played in Seattle.
Junior Seau.
October 16
LA replies:
Why do you put “Samoan” in quotes?
Gintas replies:
The Pro Football Weekly says he’s Samoan, but he doesn’t quite look Samoan to me. If a man is half-Samoan, half-black, and he looks more black than Samoan—I included the searches on a couple of Samoans for comparison-contrast, and he doesn’t really jump out as Samoan—he’s black, isn’t he? So he’s “Samoan,” just like Obama is “white,” but both really are black.
LA replies:
Well, that’s what I’ve been saying.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 15, 2012 11:58 AM | Send