Who was Obama’s father?
It’s become a common claim in some parts of the conservative blogosphere that Obama’s real father was the Communist poet and pornographer Frank Marshall Davis. There is some evidence suggesting that this could be true. Also, at the Drudge Report right now, there is an ad for the movie, Dreams From My Real Father, which alternatively juxtaposes a photo of Obama with Barack Obama, Sr., whom Obama does not resemble in the slightest, and with Frank Marshall Davis, to whom Obama arguably has some resemblance:
This was extremely interesting to me. While Barack Jr. has zero resemblance to Barack Sr., making it plausible that someone else could be Barack Jr.’s father (especially given the lack of almost any documented relationship between Barack Sr. and Stanley Ann Dunham), George establishes the physical link between the two Baracks.
I have yet to see that movie, but every time I’ve heard that allegation thrown out, (that Frank Marshall Davis is Barack Obama’s real father), it has been made in the sense that Obama Sr. had little to do with Obama’s upbringing in any direct sense, while Davis basically took on the role of father. Hence I don’t think the point is that Barack is not Obama Sr.’s biological son.LA replies:
Not true. The assertion is that Davis is Obama’s biological father.Daniel T. replies: From all the picture comparisons on the movie’s site, it’s difficult to imagine they meant what I thought they meant. Count me corrected.Paul K. writes:
To me, Obama looks like neither Barack Obama Sr. nor Frank Marshall Davis. He might have gotten his racial characteristics from either one, but he most closely resembles his mother and maternal grandfather. Sometimes a child takes after one side of the family. ![]()
Of course Obama looks like his mother, but I’ve never seen this photo of his maternal grandfather Stanley Dunham as a handsome young man before. Obama’s resemblance to him is even more striking than Obama’s resemblance to his mother. It’s remarkable—the whole shape of the face is Obama’s. Offhand I don’t remember ever seeing such a strong resemblance between a grandfather and a grandson.Lisa F. writes:
I don’t see the resemblance between Frank Marshall Davis and President Obama. I don’t buy the idea anyway because I just can’t see why Stanley Anne Dunham would have lied about this. Why would having a child with Frank Marshall Davis have been any more scandalous than a child with Barack Obama, Sr.? Was having a child with a black man even scandalous in Hawaii? From what we know about her she would not have had any shame. There is the possibility that Davis demanded this arrangement, but why would he have been ashamed either?Buck writes:
I just watched the first third of Dreams from My Real Father on Netflix. So far, it’s compelling. It makes a strong case, by timing, circumstance, and a series of events and reporting, involving the seemingly well documented relationship that Davis had with his mother. The nude photos that he took of her and his seeming admission that it was he who had sex with her at her young age, as this story is told, all takes place before Barack Obama Sr. is involved. When it is discovered that she is pregnant, Barack Obama Sr. in chosen by Gramps to stand in as her husband and father of her son. Gramps is career CIA and can not have it discovered that he has a known Communist in his family. [LA replies: What? Stanley Dunham, an out-and-out lefty, was CIA?] Barack Sr. just happens to be available and is agreeable. He is rewarded with his education.October 16 Joshua G. writes:
If you check Google images for Mark Obama, you will see a man who could not be anyone other than Barack Obama’s brother. The family resemblance is even more striking than with George Obama. I think you will agree, the case is closed. I do not know how the Frank Marshal Davis-paternity supporters explain that.LA replies:
Could it be a lack of visual intelligence—that they simply don’t see the resemblance? I know a very smart person to whom it had not occurred that Obama looks like his mother. He was telling me of some theory that Stanley Ann was not Obama’s mother, and when I replied that that was impossible, because there was an unmistakable resemblance between them, especially about the mouth and chin, he accepted my word for it, but he hadn’t seen it and didn’t see it himself.Joshua G. replies: Would you consider, say, Cord Meyer a leftist? He was part of United World Federalists, and married Amos Pinchot’s daughter (later a JFK mistress). He to me to have seems the typical early CIA biography.LA replies:
Ok. This is not something I’ve known much about, but I take your word for it that the early CIA focused on winning over non-pro-Soviet leftists and also employed them as agents. Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 15, 2012 07:47 PM | Send Email entry |