The disgrace of the Al Smith dinner
Several readers, cheered by its wittiness, have sent the video of Romney’s speech at the Alfred E. Smith dinner last night. I agree he had good and funny lines. But I’m not cheered by it. When we have a president as dishonest, radical, and anti-American as Obama, to get together with him and make the traditional hale-fellow-well-met mutual jokes at each other’s expense creates the illusion that we are still living in an America where politicians of different parties had disagreements but shared fundamental principles and loyalties—an America that no longer exists. In reality, the Obama administration and the elite of today’s Democratic Party are a vile clique of lying leftists out to weaken and tyrannize America and empower and liberate our enemies. Romney, by joking amiably with Obama, helps sustain the false belief, so helpful to the left, that Obama and his party are part of a recognizable, historical America, and thus helps legitimize them. As I said recently, where would the Democrats be, without the Republicans? However, Romney’s participation in this event is forgivable—after all, he was invited, and it’s a tradition, so what else could he do but show up and give the usual humorous speech? Far, far worse is Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s invitation to Obama. As has been reported in detail, Obama deliberately and consciously lied to Dolan when he promised him in a face-to-face meeting in 2011 that he would respect Catholic beliefs and not force Catholic institutions to fund acts they disapproved—a pledge he broke when, in early 2012, he called Dolan and brutally told him that he was going ahead with the contraceptive mandate and the Church had no choice but to obey it. Yet now Dolan invites Obama to the Al Smith Dinner and yuks it up with him:
The last sentence of the entry as originally posted was: Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 19, 2012 03:34 PM | Send Email entry |