Liberal society—forever trying to turn anomalies into the norm
![]() Marissa Meyer, the 37-year-old CEO of Yahoo, who returned to her job two weeks after giving birth to her first child
Women are still interesting novelties in the chief executive suite, and everyone wants to know how they do it because everyone knows, though no one will say it, that women will always be anomalies at the top.And to think that modern society, which is devoted to such gross delusions as racial and sexual equality of outcomes, and which mercilessly ostracizes anyone who disbelieves in them, prides itself on having rejected the “blind faith” and the “subservience to authority” that characterized the Middle Ages!
It’s worth noting that Yahoo has gone through five CEOs in the last five years, they’re basically Roman emperors in the dying days of the empire.LA replies:
Hah.LA writes:
Laura Wood’s phrase,Gintas writes:
You wrote:LA replies:
Yes. Once you have gone beyond pure right-liberalism, i.e., equality of individual rights, to left-liberalism, i.e., equality of group outcomes (and, as I’ve shown, right-liberalism automatically mutates into left-liberalism), then the very equality which is supposedly the goal is contradicted. The groups that are being raised up must, in order to be equalized with white men, be treated as special. Their every accomplishment, no matter how routine, is celebrated as a ground-breaking, sacred event. The process of raising the designated group and celebrating this advance takes precedence over equality. A current example of this: there are now more women than men in institutions of higher learning, but the believers in sexual equality, far from seeing this new inequality as a problem, are boasting of it as a great accomplishment. So these liberals don’t even pretend to believe in equality any more. They are openly seeking to degrade the place of men in society and raise women above them.LA adds: What I’ve always said about the Civil Rights movement, that its real aim from the start was not some abstract racial equality, but the advance of blacks, by any means that would work, turns out to be true of all the equality movements that have emulated the Civil Rights movement.October 24 Gintas writes:
Marissa Meyer was successful at Google, but had been slowly pushed into the background, and she was no longer the Google Starlet. So she jumped to a high-visibility position at Yahoo!, a failing company into which you can stick a fork. But she gets to be the Yahoo! Starlet.Brandon F. writes:
Notice Meyer’s pose. Men don’t pose like that, only women. She is using a little bit of a variant since she is making a fist on her hip instead of the usual outspread hand. I think this is like an attempt of the photographer to show her feminine and powerful sides.Robert P. writes:
Women CEOs are only slightly less damaging to corporations than black CEOs.D. Tanner writes:
I don’t want to sidetrack the conversation too far, but you did mention that women are now outnumbering men at colleges and universities. I think it’s important to point out that men still vastly outnumber their female colleagues in science and math programs, while women gravitate towards social sciences and liberal arts & humanities. One of the consequences of liberalism is the constant push from administrators to dumb down the hard sciences so more from the “victim class” can enter. Thankfully, it has been slow going for them, but it’s not hard to imagine that in a few decades what is now considered undergraduate level study will become graduate or doctorate level study. Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 23, 2012 01:41 PM | Send Email entry |