A day in the life of an American black man

In the entry on Darrell Fuller, the man who murdered a police officer and a motorist on Long Island highways two days ago, reader Mark Eugenikos sums up Fuller’s behavior:

Let’s see what we have here. A day in life of an ordinary 33-year-old man, who had already served two prison sentences for attempted murder and drug-dealing: Go to kidney dialysis, crash a car, flee the scene, shoot a cop dead, flee again, shoot a passer-by dead and steal his car, stop by to play some hoops, go sit in a stolen van, and then shoot yourself. I don’t see anything unusual—doesn’t everybody do that? We don’t want to be judgmental, it’s not nice.

Too old to be Obama’s son. Maybe
Obama’s younger half-brother?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 26, 2012 01:01 PM | Send

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