Second Negro NFL player in eight days commits homicide
On the morning of December 1, linebacker Jovan Belcher of the Kansas City Chiefs
murdered the 22-year-old mother of his three-month-old child at his home by shooting her nine times, then drove to the team’s practice facility where, as the police were arriving, he shot himself to death in front of his coaches.
In the early morning hours today, December 9, Josh Brent of the Dallas Cowboys, driving drunk and recklessly at high speed, flipped his car over causing the death of his teammate Jerry Brown.

Physically powerful, mentally and morally deficient:
Josh Brent, a typical example of white America’s black sports heroes.
With the back-to-back occurrence of these, as they are called, “tragedies,” has the black thugification of professional sports reached critical mass? Will the twin “tragedies” lead to any publicly expressed thoughts that maybe there’s something wrong with the blacks in sports and with the sports industry that cultivates and promotes them? Of course not! Eloi white America’s worship of these SUV-sized barbarians will only continue and intensify.
The story is from TMZ, via Drudge:
Dallas Cowboys Player
Dies in Car Wreck
Teammate Arrested
Jerry Brown, a linebacker on the Dallas Cowboys practice squad, died early this morning in a single-car accident—and his teammate, Josh Brent, was arrested on charges of intoxication manslaughter.
According to police, Brent (see above) was driving at a high rate of speed at around 2:20 AM when his car “hit the outside curb,” flipped over and came to rest in the middle of the road.
When cops came to the scene, Brent was dragging Brown away from the vehicle … which had come to rest upside down and was on fire. Brown was unresponsive and was later pronounced dead at a nearby hospital.
Officers at the scene suspected alcohol to be a factor, so they gave Brent a field sobriety test, which he failed. His blood was later drawn at the hospital to determine his blood alcohol level. Those results are not yet known.
Brent was arrested by Irving PD and booked on a second degree felony charge at 4:14 AM and is being held without bail.
Brent pled guilty to a misdemeanor DUI charge while in college … where he and Brown were teammates.
Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones released a statement today, saying, “We are deeply saddened by the news of this accident and the passing of Jerry Brown. At this time, our hearts and prayers and deepest sympathies are with the members of Jerry’s family and all of those who knew him and loved him.”
The incident comes just one week after Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher killed his girlfriend and then himself.
- end of initial entry -
Ben S. writes:
Your caption under the photo of Brent reads: “Physically powerful, mentally deficient, morally depraved.” I think it is a bit unfair to call Brent “morally depraved,” as if he were on moral par with Belcher. Driving drunk at high speed is grossly reckless and irresponsible, but it is something that reckless and irresponsible Americans have done for a long time. Though it is largely a matter of chance who dies, in this case it was a passenger who knew perfectly well what he was getting into. I would almost call this a victimless crime.
LA replies:
That’s a reasonable criticism of the entry. I’ll think about it.
Aditya B. writes:
In response to Ben S.’s reasonable critique, you’ve indicated you’ll rethink the description under the photograph.
I’d urge you to wait until full tox results come in. And until we know more about this guy. Chances are:
a) that he had a lot more in his system than alcohol; or
b) that he’s demonstrated similar recklessness on prior occasions.
In either case, that would render your description accurate as only a morally depraved individual would willingly put another person’s life on the line in this fashion especially when a man such as this thug has enough money to afford a fleet of taxis after partying.
LA replies:
Another reasonable point. :-)
I would add that “Physically powerful, mentally deficient, morally depraved” was not directed only at Josh Brent. It’s a description of a significant subset of the black male population. Brent, from his photograph alone, without any reference to his behavior, clearly seems to fit that category.
Also, the phrase is not mine; I heard it conversation in the mid ’90s from a highly intelligent and refined acquaintance, a New York college professor long since deceased, and adopted it as my own.
Terry Morris writes:
“Morally depraved” is too harsh a descriptive of this man. The act of dragging his friend away from the burning vehicle, as witnessed by police as they arrived on scene, is enough to convince me that he is not utterly without good morals. Moreover, although the article does not go into further detail, there is a good possibility that he pulled his friend out of the vehicle, thus putting his own life in danger in order to save his friend. Perhaps “morally deficient” would better describe him. The likelihood is that he had gotten away with driving while intoxicated many times in the past. He probably thought he could handle it, as he always had before.
Also, I’m curious to know what exactly about his photograph indicates to you that he fits the “morally depraved” characterization. That photograph was probably taken within a few hours of the wreck, as he was being booked into jail, and after he most likely knew that his friend had been killed and that he was being charged with homicide. I’m not sure we can conclude anything about the man’s moral character based on that photograph.
LA replies:
Ok, I am persuaded that the caption was too strong and not fair, as we do not know that Brent is morally depraved. I am changing the caption as per Mr. Morris’s suggestion.
December 10
Ben S. writes (December 9):
You write,
“Brent, from his photograph alone, without any reference to his behavior, clearly seems to fit that category.”
Isn’t that just a fancy way of saying that he looks like a troll?
LA replies:
What do you mean by a “troll”? :-)
Ben S. writes:
I mean the physically powerful, mentally deficient, and morally depraved sort of troll that is featured in Peter Jackson movies. The kind that leaves unwanted comments on the Internet generally lacks the first quality.
LA replies:
The word is not troll. You’re thinking of those horrible beastly creatures in The Lord of the Rings, but I forget their name. Orcs?
Ben S. writes:
LOTR features orcs AND trolls. Orcs are of roughly human stature. Trolls are far larger, stronger, and more bestial (but apparently still capable of arguing about how best to prepare hobbits for dinner).
Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 09, 2012 06:11 PM | Send