A story of Muslim assimilation into the USA.

Ed H. writes:

When I was talking to the Muslims protesting Pamela Geller and Diana West outside the DoubleTree here in Annapolis, they informed me that I was a bigot. I told them, No, I am an Islam realist. On the way home I stopped at Starbucks, opened the Washington Post, and there in the Metro section was a story about Yonathan Merkalu, an Ethiopian Muslim brought to the U.S. where he went to school, joined the U.S. Marines, said an oath to the Constitution, was treated as an equal, was given praise and thanks, and then discharged, after which he returned to what he must always be, a Muslim. Allah trumps all, and always will.

He has been arrested for

1. being in Arlington Cemetery at night spray painting with Arabic jihadist slogans (wait for it) tombstones of his fallen Marines comrades;

2. firing a gun at the Pentagon;

3. planning bombings and mass killings.

The perfect story of Muslim assimilation, don’t you think?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 13, 2013 11:57 AM | Send

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