Doctor: good news (or, more precisely, not the worst news)
As I announced in an update yesterday, the procedure was moved up from Friday to today. It was not what I expected, as there was no stent performed, and, indeed, the doctor told me that this was good, because if the stent (which I had been hoping for, as a possible fix to the situation) had been necessary that actually would have been relatively bad news. He said that the result today was the best possible, in that the worst possibilities were excluded. Namely, the colonoscopy did not discover an obstruction (a narrowing of the colon), which would have required a stent or a dilation, both of which are risky procedures. The fact that there is no obstruction also means that a temporary (but long lasting) nerve block is possible, which could relieve the pain. I realize that what I’m saying is somewhat anti-climactic and confusing; it’s confusing to me too. I cannot adequately explain it now, partly because I’m still affected by the anesthesia, partly because I need to have a further conversation with the G.I. specialist who was not involved with the procedure but is the main doctor on the case.
January 25 Vincent Chiarello writes (January 25, 8:23.p.m.):
Caro Lorenzo,LA replies (8:48.p.m.)
Caro Vincenzo:LA continues (9:50 PM):
Vincent, I realize I may have misled you with the original title of the most recent post about my health, “Doctor says the news is good.” That may have been interpreted as saying that I am healed. But it was not meant that way. In the text of the entry, I explained that what was meant was that the worst possibilities had been excluded, not that things were ok. So I changed the title to: “Doctor: good news (or, more precisely, not the worst news)”.Vincent Chiarello replies (10:32 p.m.):
Caro Lorenzo,January 26 LA writes:
The blissful state of having no pain or discomfort, of enjoying a normal state of well-being, lasted 11 hours, until 7 a.m. this morning. Since then the usual discomforts have re-appeared, though I am still free of the bad pain. For 11 hours I had a release, a vacation, and that was great. It also was a glimpse of what is possible.LA continues:
And I’ve got to start feeling better and so be able to blog regularly. How much longer can VFR continue as largely a personal blog devoted to the subject of how the blogger is feeling? Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 24, 2013 07:31 PM | Send Email entry |