More on the Lawrence Auster Society


Bruce Lewis writes:

I think that it might be beneficial (and fun) to organize a real Lawrence Auster Society. Its purposes would be:

1. to organize and publish L.A.’s papers, and to promote a wide knowledge of these works;

2. to provide a forum for other writers to analyze and expand upon the ideas in those works;

3. to publish a monthly online journal with the above as content;

4. to hold a yearly Lawrence Auster Memorial Banquet in New York, at which time the Auster Prize for Traditionalist Thought is awarded; and,

5. to publish an annual paper compendium of the best of the online journal,

all to the end of promoting Traditionalist ideas.

I realize that this is a pretty big bill, and I apologize. I was an irregular correspondent of Lawrence Auster over the past few years, and, while we didn’t always see eye to eye, I deeply admired him and his ideas. I can think of no better tribute to him than to organize a non-profit Lawrence Auster Society for Traditionalist Thought.

Posted by Laura Wood at April 06, 2013 09:44 AM | Send

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